November 2024:
Congratulations to Carlos Leão (a graduate student from the Eme lab that I helped supervise), Krystal Atherley (undergraduate) and Natalie Campos (undergraduate) who are now published authors! Our study on the effect of cycling temperatures on chorus frog traits is now published in Ecological and Evolutionary Physiology! You can read it here:
Congratulations to Carlos Leão (a graduate student from the Eme lab that I helped supervise), Krystal Atherley (undergraduate) and Natalie Campos (undergraduate) who are now published authors! Our study on the effect of cycling temperatures on chorus frog traits is now published in Ecological and Evolutionary Physiology! You can read it here:
May 2024:
Congratulations to Cameron St. Onge who together with me was awarded the Biological Sciences Faculty Student Collaboration Award from the College of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. This award recognizes Cameron's excellent contribution to research in my lab over the last academic year. |
April 2024:
Congratulations to Cameron St. Onge who won the Scholander Award for best undergraduate poster presentation in the Comparative and Evolutionary Physiology Section at the 2024 American Physiological Society Summit in Long Beach, CA. Cameron presented his research on inter-individual variability in chorus frog tadpole traits. Next up, Cameron will give a talk on his research in a session focused on biological variability at the Society for Experimental Biology Conference in Prague in July! |

August 2023:
Cameron St. Onge presented his research on chorus frog tadpole inter-individual variability at the CSUSM Summer Scholars Poster Showcase!
Cameron St. Onge presented his research on chorus frog tadpole inter-individual variability at the CSUSM Summer Scholars Poster Showcase!
April 2023:
Congratulations to Cameron St. Onge who has been awarded a Beckman Scholarship! In 2021, CSUSM was 1 of just 12 universities nationwide that received a three-year Beckman Scholars Program award from the Arnold & Mabel Beckman Foundation and Cameron has been selected as the 2023/24 Scholar! Cameron's 15 month research project will examine interindividual variability in chorus frog phenotypic traits during development. As part of the Beckman Scholarship Cameron will participate in the CSUSM Summer Scholars Program. Congrats again Cameron!
Congratulations to Cameron St. Onge who has been awarded a Beckman Scholarship! In 2021, CSUSM was 1 of just 12 universities nationwide that received a three-year Beckman Scholars Program award from the Arnold & Mabel Beckman Foundation and Cameron has been selected as the 2023/24 Scholar! Cameron's 15 month research project will examine interindividual variability in chorus frog phenotypic traits during development. As part of the Beckman Scholarship Cameron will participate in the CSUSM Summer Scholars Program. Congrats again Cameron!
May 2022:
Congratulations to Natalie Campos for being awarded a CSUSM Summer Scholarship to continue her research in the lab this summer! She will be examining how different thermal regimes during incubation influence swimming speed of chorus frog tadpoles.
Congratulations to Natalie Campos for being awarded a CSUSM Summer Scholarship to continue her research in the lab this summer! She will be examining how different thermal regimes during incubation influence swimming speed of chorus frog tadpoles.
September 2021:
Congratulations to Lindsey Korito who is now a Master of Biology!! Lindsey successfully defended her Master thesis on Sept 21 titled 'Examining survival and the time course of metabolic responses following temperature increases in four populations of the intertidal copepod, Tigriopus californicus'
Congratulations to Lindsey Korito who is now a Master of Biology!! Lindsey successfully defended her Master thesis on Sept 21 titled 'Examining survival and the time course of metabolic responses following temperature increases in four populations of the intertidal copepod, Tigriopus californicus'
October 2020:
Congratulations to former graduate student Chris Melendez on the publication of his Masters research! Our manuscript on thermal critical windows during rainbow trout embryonic development has been accepted by Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A (doi: 10.1016/j.cbpa.2020.110834)!
June 2020:
Our research focusing on the Baja California chorus frog features in a Q&A on the Life Lines by Dr. Doolittle blog. Check the blog out for other cool comparative physiology research and stories.
Congratulations to former graduate student Chris Melendez on the publication of his Masters research! Our manuscript on thermal critical windows during rainbow trout embryonic development has been accepted by Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A (doi: 10.1016/j.cbpa.2020.110834)!
June 2020:
Our research focusing on the Baja California chorus frog features in a Q&A on the Life Lines by Dr. Doolittle blog. Check the blog out for other cool comparative physiology research and stories.
May 2020:
Congratulations to the Mueller lab graduates, Marie Ramirez and Taryn Broe, who graduate with their Bachelors! The lab wishes them all the best for the future.
Congratulations to the Mueller lab graduates, Marie Ramirez and Taryn Broe, who graduate with their Bachelors! The lab wishes them all the best for the future.
January 2020:
The Mueller lab bringing in the new decade by collecting chorus frog eggs from the CSUSM wetland. The lab also welcomes Jessica Villar this semester. Jessica is a student from Palomar Community College volunteering in the lab through the North San Diego County Bridges to Future Program. |
October 2019:
Congratulations to Cassidy Cooper from the Eme lab on the publication of her study on thermal tolerance and oxygen consumption in South American tetras (10.1016/j.jtherbio.2019.102434)! Thanks for including me as a collaborator on your study!
August 2019:
The Mueller Lab welcomes Marie Ramirez and Gabrielle Diaz as two new undergraduate researchers this Fall! Check the lab members page soon to learn what they will be up to. Taryn Broe will continue her undergraduate experience and Lindsey Korito will begin her Masters!
June 2019:
Our manuscript describing the immediate and persistent effects of temperature on oxygen consumption and thermal tolerance in embryos and larvae of the Baja California chorus frog has been accepted by Frontiers in Physiology (doi: 10.3389/fphys.2019.00754). Congratulations to Samantha Manzanares, Lindsey Korito and Julie Bucsky who all contributed to the research and are now published authors!
Congratulations to Cassidy Cooper from the Eme lab on the publication of her study on thermal tolerance and oxygen consumption in South American tetras (10.1016/j.jtherbio.2019.102434)! Thanks for including me as a collaborator on your study!
August 2019:
The Mueller Lab welcomes Marie Ramirez and Gabrielle Diaz as two new undergraduate researchers this Fall! Check the lab members page soon to learn what they will be up to. Taryn Broe will continue her undergraduate experience and Lindsey Korito will begin her Masters!
June 2019:
Our manuscript describing the immediate and persistent effects of temperature on oxygen consumption and thermal tolerance in embryos and larvae of the Baja California chorus frog has been accepted by Frontiers in Physiology (doi: 10.3389/fphys.2019.00754). Congratulations to Samantha Manzanares, Lindsey Korito and Julie Bucsky who all contributed to the research and are now published authors!
May 2019:
Congratulations to Christopher Melendez who is now a Master of Biology!! Chris successfully defended his Master thesis on May 3 titled 'Effects of Constant Temperature and Thermal Shifts on Survival, Morphology, and Oxygen Consumption in Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Embryos.' Chris will begin a Ph.D. with Dr. Warren Burggren at the University of North Texas in fall.
Congratulations to Christopher Melendez who is now a Master of Biology!! Chris successfully defended his Master thesis on May 3 titled 'Effects of Constant Temperature and Thermal Shifts on Survival, Morphology, and Oxygen Consumption in Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Embryos.' Chris will begin a Ph.D. with Dr. Warren Burggren at the University of North Texas in fall.
January 2019:
Congratulations to Morgan Scheffler who is now a published author! Our paper on metabolic compensation in copepods in collaboration with Dr. Felipe Barreto at Oregon State is now published in Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A!
Congratulations to Morgan Scheffler who is now a published author! Our paper on metabolic compensation in copepods in collaboration with Dr. Felipe Barreto at Oregon State is now published in Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A!
January 2019:
The Mueller lab welcomes Taryn Broe, Lily Jorrick and Brianna Velasco in the lab this semester. Taryn is a senior at CSUSM, while Lily and Brianna are students from Palomar Community College volunteering in the lab through the North San Diego County Bridges to Future Program.
The Mueller lab welcomes Taryn Broe, Lily Jorrick and Brianna Velasco in the lab this semester. Taryn is a senior at CSUSM, while Lily and Brianna are students from Palomar Community College volunteering in the lab through the North San Diego County Bridges to Future Program.

August 2018:
Congratulations to Lindsey Korito who presented her summer research at the CSUSM Summer Scholars Showcase and was awarded a $500 travel award to present at a scientific conference! Great work Lindsey!
Congratulations to Lindsey Korito who presented her summer research at the CSUSM Summer Scholars Showcase and was awarded a $500 travel award to present at a scientific conference! Great work Lindsey!
April 2018:
The Mueller lab takes over Experimental Biology 2018 in San Diego! Chris Melendez attended his second EB, while Samantha Manzanares, Lindsey Korito and Sabrina Kazem experienced their first conference!
The Mueller lab takes over Experimental Biology 2018 in San Diego! Chris Melendez attended his second EB, while Samantha Manzanares, Lindsey Korito and Sabrina Kazem experienced their first conference!
March 2018:
Congratulations to Lindsey Korito for being awarded a CSUSM Summer Scholarship to continue her research in the lab this summer!
February 2018:
The Mueller lab welcomes Janet Solano-Sanchez in the lab this semester. Janet is a student at Palomar Community College and is volunteering in the lab through the North San Diego County Bridges to Future Program. She is exploring if research is a career she would like to pursue in the future.
December 2017:
The Mueller lab is proud to congratulate Morgan Scheffler on being accepted into medical school! Morgan will continue her education at The Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine (VCOM) in Virginia. Congratulations Morgan!!
The Mueller lab is proud to congratulate Morgan Scheffler on being accepted into medical school! Morgan will continue her education at The Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine (VCOM) in Virginia. Congratulations Morgan!!
September 2017:
The Mueller lab is excited to welcome four new undergraduates to the lab this semester! Chris Melendez will also be beginning his Masters program, making for a busy year ahead in the lab. Visit the Lab Members page to learn more.
The Mueller lab is excited to welcome four new undergraduates to the lab this semester! Chris Melendez will also be beginning his Masters program, making for a busy year ahead in the lab. Visit the Lab Members page to learn more.

August 2017:
Morgan Scheffler presenting her copepod research at the CSUSM Summer Scholars Poster Showcase!
Morgan Scheffler presenting her copepod research at the CSUSM Summer Scholars Poster Showcase!
July 2017:
Profile on the CSUSM website!
May 2017:
Congratulations to Julie Bucsky, Morgan Rentschler and Chris Melendez for graduating with their Bachelor's!
April 2017:
Chris Melendez is famous! He appeared in an ABC10 news story about the CSUSM Summer Scholars Program he participated in last summer! Check it out below:
Profile on the CSUSM website!
May 2017:
Congratulations to Julie Bucsky, Morgan Rentschler and Chris Melendez for graduating with their Bachelor's!
April 2017:
Chris Melendez is famous! He appeared in an ABC10 news story about the CSUSM Summer Scholars Program he participated in last summer! Check it out below:
April 2017:
More congratulations for Morgan Rentschler who has been awarded a CSUSM Summer Scholarship to continue her work on copepods in the Mueller lab this summer!
March 2017:
Very excited to announce that Christopher Melendez will be the Mueller lab's first Masters student starting Fall 2017!
January 2017:
Congratulations to Morgan Rentschler who has been awarded a COAST Undergraduate Student Research Award to perform her senior undergraduate thesis on marine copepod metabolism!
November 2016:
The Mueller lab participated in a CSUSM tour of MiraCosta College and Palomar College students from the North San Diego County Bridges to Future Program in late October. Here is an article about the program and tour: Our very own Chris Melendez features in the photos!
September 2016:
The Mueller lab is proud to welcome three new CSUSM undergraduate students who will be working on a range of projects. Visit the Lab Members page to find out what they will be up to!
More congratulations for Morgan Rentschler who has been awarded a CSUSM Summer Scholarship to continue her work on copepods in the Mueller lab this summer!
March 2017:
Very excited to announce that Christopher Melendez will be the Mueller lab's first Masters student starting Fall 2017!
January 2017:
Congratulations to Morgan Rentschler who has been awarded a COAST Undergraduate Student Research Award to perform her senior undergraduate thesis on marine copepod metabolism!
November 2016:
The Mueller lab participated in a CSUSM tour of MiraCosta College and Palomar College students from the North San Diego County Bridges to Future Program in late October. Here is an article about the program and tour: Our very own Chris Melendez features in the photos!
September 2016:
The Mueller lab is proud to welcome three new CSUSM undergraduate students who will be working on a range of projects. Visit the Lab Members page to find out what they will be up to!

August 2016:
Chris Melendez presenting another poster! This time at the CSUSM Summer Scholars Poster Showcase. Chris was awarded a CSUSM Summer Scholarship to examine the effect of temperature on brine shrimp development.
Chris Melendez presenting another poster! This time at the CSUSM Summer Scholars Poster Showcase. Chris was awarded a CSUSM Summer Scholarship to examine the effect of temperature on brine shrimp development.

April 2016:
Dr. Mueller being presented with the American Physiological Society's Comparative and Evolutionary Physiology Section New Investigator Award from the CEPS chair Dr. Mike Hedrick (left) and the 2016 Krogh Distinguished Lecturer Dr. Jon Harrison (right) during Experimental Biology 2016.

April 2016:
CSUSM Undergraduate Chris Melendez presented a poster for the first time at Experimental Biology 2016 in San Diego! The poster detailed the effect of daily cycling temperatures on lake whitefish development.
CSUSM Undergraduate Chris Melendez presented a poster for the first time at Experimental Biology 2016 in San Diego! The poster detailed the effect of daily cycling temperatures on lake whitefish development.
Dec 2014:
The Lake whitefish project at McMaster University received some press, click on the links to read more or watch the video below:
The Lake whitefish project at McMaster University received some press, click on the links to read more or watch the video below: